About Me

After years of wanting to adopt a baby girl, we've finally decided it's time. And we can't wait!

Friday, March 30, 2007

Oprah I love you BUT.....

You really upset me with the show you had on yesterday. One of the segments was on the new HPV vaccine, which is recommended for young girls. I have been well aware of this new vaccine for some time now, especially since our Governor Rick Perry has mandated that ALL girls entering the 6th grade must get the vaccine next year. Fortunately, we are in the process of over turning this mandate! Actually, I've been aware of this vaccine for a long time because Merck has had those "One Less" commercials on every station for the past year. Actually, Merck aired the "One Less" commercial first, without the vaccine information, for a long time in order to scare young girls about getting cervial cancer. Then, after months of scaring young girls and parents, TaDaa they have a vaccine that will "protect" you from getting cervical cancer. How convenient! I'm sure you can tell that I'm not a big fan of this vaccine, or any vaccine for that matter, and I'm especially not a big fan of pharmaceutical companies who make BILLIONS off of getting people sicker. But of course this is just my opinion!

Anyway, Oprah had this show yesterday and she had this "expert" who was there to give you all the reasons why this vaccine is so great. I absolutely LOVE and ADORE Oprah and LOVE her show because in my opinion she is always right on. Well, that was until yesterday. Why didn't she have someone on the show to give the other side of the story. About how most women with HPV infections do not develop cervical cancer. Usually the infection disappears without any treatment, because the woman’s immune system has been successful in fighting the virus. About how cervical cancer is one of the most successfully treatable cancers, and how the cervical cancer death rate has declined by 74% between 1955 and 1992, in large part due to the effectiveness of Pap smear screening and the death rate continues to decline each year. Or about how 60% and 80% of American women with newly diagnosed invasive cervical cancer have not had a Pap smear in the past 5 years, and many of these women have never had a Pap test. In fact, most invasive cervical cancers are found in women who have not had regular Pap tests. Why didn't she tell people this! Most people have or have had HPV just like most people have Herpes (if you've had a cold sore then you have Herpes!). People get "things", but THE POWER THAT CREATES THE BODY, ALSO HEALS THE BODY, and we fight it off! If you're unhealthy and don't take care of the body that God gave you then things happen and you get sick. So stay healthy! There's NO need to inject toxins into your body. Like my husband always says, "When can man EVER make things BETTER than GOD!"

FYI- Most statistics I got were from the "American Cancer Society"

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Our Little Dancing Photo Shoot

Ok, I know this is silly but I am a HUGE "Dancing With the Stars" fan, as is Zac. He actually loves watching the show and dances all over the room when it's on. Actually we both dance around the room! hehehe!! Any way, Good Morning America is hosting a "Dancing With the Moms Challenge" and I've decided to enter. I know, what are the chances of ME getting picked, but I thought I would give it a try anyway. Well, I needed a picture of me to enter the contest so I decided to take a few pics with Zac and I in dancing attire. My aunt owns a wedding gown store so we went to her shop and played dress up for the day. Zac actually loved wearing his tuxedo and he looked just adorable in it!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Patience is a Virtue

Well it's been a while since I've posted, mainly because there isn't anything to discuss on the adoption front. We haven't "officially" started because we are waiting to get our practice up and running. This has been very frustrating, especially for Danny. I've been a stay at home mom for the past 4 years, so being at home and sometimes bored is really common for me, but for him, this has really been a struggle. It's been 4 months since we first started the paperwork to buy this clinic and we still aren't done! When we first started I guess we were a bit naive to think that this would go smoothly and quickly. Well we were wrong! It's been a very bumpy road and we still don't have a definate close date! They say early April, so hopefully they're right. The sooner we close on the business, the sooner we can start on our adoption paperchase! This whole buying a business thing is really like adopting; lots of paperwork, lots of waiting and lots of patience and prayers! Amen!

Zac, our almost 4 year old adorable son, has really kept us busy during all this waiting. I also think this time has really spoiled him. Since daddy has been home these past couple of months, he's really gotten used to having both of us here at home. If Danny leaves to go and do something he wines and waits very un-patiently till he gets home. He's never done this with Danny mainly because Danny was always working so he was used to seeing his daddy leave and then come back. I think it's cute and love that Zac has gotten so attached to his Daddy. They were close before, but I can definately see a difference in their relationship. Before, Zac was a huge momma's boy, and although he still is, he's definately turned into a daddy's boy and that's awesome.

On the adoption front, there isn't much to tell. I think we have decided on the agency World Child for our adoption. With so many to choose from and with all the varied timeframes, it was really difficult to decide on one. But, WC has been great about getting back to me with information and the people whom I've talked to have said nothing but great things, so I think our decision is final. Also, I've been really taking what The Secret teaches, and have been applying it. I really believe in visualizations, and believe this allows you to get what you want. For me, the more I visualize and think about Maia (that's what we have decided to name her) the closer I feel to her, and the closer I am to getting her. The way I see it, the more I think about her in our lives, the more proactive I become, which allows me to get to her faster! I bought the cutest dress the other day and I have it hanging on our dresser. Every time I wake up, every time I go to sleep, and every time I walk by it I think of her, and this makes me feel that much closer to her. Silly? Maybe. But it works for me.